EOQ Donors


I’m speechless -- and if you know me, you know that’s unusual.

I asked a lot of you this quarter, and you stepped up. It feels good knowing that my supporters had my back when I needed it the most.

As you know, having your back is my number one priority. That’s why I ran for office in the first place.

So now, I have one more request of you -- tell me how I can have your back as we enter the final quarter of 2019.

You know I’m working hard to claw back our tax dollars from Moocher States, and I’ll keep doing that. You know that I’m working to lower health care costs and fix our roads, bridges and tunnels. I’m fighting for seniors, veterans and first responders. That won’t ever change.

But tell me, friend, which issues are most important to you and how can I have your back this quarter?

Thanks for everything. Seriously.








Paid for by Josh Gottheimer for Congress

Paid for by Josh Gottheimer for Congress
PO Box 584
Ridgewood NJ 07451 United States