Ugh. Did you hear the news? Stephen Miller – the architect behind family separation, the border wall, the Muslim travel ban, and many other illegal Trump administration policies – is launching a new organization focused on stopping President Biden from undoing Trump’s legacy and moving our country forward.
We can’t let Stephen Miller block the progress our country so badly needs. Chip in $15 dollars today to support Maura as she continues her work to undo the damaging policies of the Trump administration and support President Biden’s inclusive vision for our country. If you really want to make a big impact and help to sustain Maura’s work, you can make it a monthly gift! 
Miller is going to work with the same Republican Attorneys General who did Trump’s bidding throughout his presidency, peddled his bogus claims of election fraud, and are now trying to block President Biden’s agenda at every turn. If they’re successful, we can kiss our hopes for immigration reform, bold climate policy, and expanded voting access goodbye.
Maybe Stephen Miller and the Republican AGs forgot, but Maura and her colleagues defeated their illegal policies time and time again in court during the Trump administration. And they’re going to continue to do so. That’s because they have the law and the will of the American people on their side.
Thank you,
Team Healey

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Paid for by the Maura Healey Committee
PO Box 15 Boston MA 02137 United States