Can you help them defeat these voter suppression bills?

People First Future

Did you catch Julián and Beto on MSNBC last night?

The two Texas leaders are joining forces to help shine a spotlight on our state’s extreme and anti-democratic voter suppression bills — and are asking for your help to defeat them. We can win this fight, but we need your help.

Can you join Julián Castro and Beto O’Rourke to help them defeat the voter suppression efforts in Texas? Watch their interview on MSNBC and make a donation today to help us defeat the Republicans pushing this anti-democratic bill.

Julián and Beto appeared on MSNBC together. Watch here

These radical voter suppression bills will make it much harder to vote, and will disproportionately suppress voters of color, students, those with disabilities, and working families. Texas is already the most difficult state to vote in — SB7 and HB6 would make it even harder.

Texas’s major companies have the access and influence to speak up and stop this bill. Julián and Beto are working hard to defeat this legislation, and calling on Texas companies to stand with voters, instead of corrupt, power-hungry politicians. Can you join them?

Thank you for standing with us.

-Team People First