It's official, John -- Dr. Kim Schrier has a new Republican opponent. And while we don't know much about this new opponent yet, we do know he's a "Trump supporter."

Last November, Washington's 8th district made their voices heard and elected Kim to fight for them in D.C. She became the first Democrat to ever represent the district and the only woman doctor in Congress.

Now, we can't let all of that progress be erased by an opponent who was recruited by national Republicans and special interest groups.

The Republicans have their handpicked candidate, so we have to ramp up our grassroots efforts to spread the word about the amazing work Kim is doing in Congress. Can we count on you to chip in $3 or more right now?

Kim has kept her promise to fight for everyday people in Congress.

She's fought to make health care more affordable and lower the cost of life-saving prescription drugs because she knows that's what her patients need to stay healthy. As a person of science with a degree in astrophysics, she's fought to tackle climate change head-on, because she knows we need to protect our planet before it's too late.

And while Trump and his allies have attacked women's rights, Kim has proven time and time again that she is the pro-choice champion we can count on to fight for women and their families to have access to reproductive care.

All of this progress Kim has made in the House has national Republicans scared, which is exactly why they've recruited this new candidate -- but we can't back down now.

Help us keep the momentum going for Kim and this grassroots, progressive campaign -- chip in $3 or more right now.

Thank you,


Devon Davenport
Team Finance
Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

Contributions or gifts to Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress are not tax deductible.

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