Call to Action: Major Domestic Violence Funding Reduction
Survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in Alaska face a major reduction in services over the next two years. Victim service agencies were recently notified that their largest funder, the Council on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault, would pass down 30% - 33% cuts for FY'22 due to a reduction in the federal allocation for Alaska. 
Abused Women’s Aid In Crisis (AWAIC) and statewide agencies that support safety and provide services to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault face devastating cuts with less than 90 days notice. The expected loss for Anchorage in AWAIC’s award is $540,000. 
What does this mean for Anchorage and AWAIC? 
  • A major reduction in staff at AWAIC resulting in reduced services for survivors of domestic violence.
  • Fewer beds available for victims with high lethality (the likelihood an abuser will attempt/commit murder)AWAIC is the only emergency shelter in Anchorage specifically for people fleeing domestic violence.
How can you help?
  • The Alaskan House Finance Committee is meeting this week about the operating budget. Consider sending an email stating your support of AWAIC and agencies that serve survivors. AWAIC services are vital to the Anchorage community. Advocate for solutions to this devastating loss of funding. Send emails to: [email protected]
  • Please contact Suzi Pearson for more information at [email protected]
Please take 5 min today and help victims of domestic violence and sexual assault by sending an email to the House Finance Committee! Even a short message helps.

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