This week in Kentucky, Mitch McConnell held a press conference where he issued a warning to corporate giants like Coca-Cola and Delta Airlines:

“Stay out of politics”unless, that is, you’re prepared to make a hefty financial donation.

That’s right. The same senator who called the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision “an important step” for corporations to use their First Amendment rights has a problem when they simply speak out against Republican voter suppression laws like SB 202 in Georgia.

This is politics at its most cynical. McConnell knows that Senate Republicans need these corporate donations to finance their campaign to win back the Senate, and he’s desperate to get corporate America back in line — no matter the cost to our democratic institutions.

Our campaign is different — while McConnell cynically attacks corporate America while lobbying for their contributions, we’re relying on donations from supporters like you. Can you pitch in today?

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Thanks for supporting Cory and our work to keep our Senate majority.

— Team Booker