
Two years ago we joined with other strong conservative women to form the Conservative Squad to take on the Socialist Squad and their destructive agenda. Yet, we were attacked for standing up for our conservative principles.

The Left does not want to see us succeed because we break their narrative that strong women are only on their side. Yet, we prove them wrong every day!

The Left, led by Nancy Pelosi and the Socialist Squad, is dragging our country in the wrong direction. We are seeing this right now with the crisis on our southern border, refusing to let our children back into classrooms, and even the poor response to the pandemic in many blue states.

We need more strong Republican women to join us in fighting against Pelosi and the Socialist Squad. But we can only accomplish that with YOUR support. Will you join the Conservative Squad today?
Conservatives must unite together and fight the Left's agenda that is continuing to drag us further and further towards the socialist left. They do not want us to enjoy the freedoms and liberties that we all love.

The Left and its media allies want to break us apart and have us fight each other constantly but we must stand together against their socialist agenda.

We have a big opportunity to flip the House in 2022 and only if we are united towards that goal can we win! And we can do it with more strong Conservative Women joining us in the House!

With our united support, we will win in 2022 and fight back against the Socialist Left.
Representative Beth Van Duyne             Representative Michelle Fischbach
Paid for by Beth Van Duyne for Congress