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"You're not supposed to say a word about it."

Watch Tucker Carlson, host of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on Fox News, share his commentary on immigration's impact on America's population growth on two programs: The Five (March 29) and Tucker Carlson Tonight (March 17).

"Over the past 30 years the population of the United States has exploded by nearly 100 million people, mostly due to immigration. Were you even aware that that happened? You're not supposed to say a word about it. As every year the United States gets steadily more jammed with the open spaces shrink, as nature itself recedes in the face of yet another strip mall, or apartment complex, or fast food outlet to serve the new people, this is becoming a crowded country. And crowded countries are ugly, unhappy countries."

Carlson added that mass immigration leads to less "open spaces," leading to a larger overall environmental impact.

NumbersUSA has been warning about this for years and has a dedicated initiative to help educate the public and elected officials.

In another clip, Carlson talks on his show about illegal immigration and how an exploding population makes for "a crowded country."

"More than 100,000 foreign nationals are flooding in every month like the border doesn't exist. Some are gang members, others are on the FBI terror watch lists. Around 13,000 are unaccompanied minors now in U.S. Custody. It all adds up to an enormous, maybe even unprecedented wave of humanity coming into America right now.

This is becoming a crowded country, and crowded countries are ugly, unhappy countries. Why are we letting that happen? That's a rhetorical question of course. No one asked us what we wanted, they just did it. And by the way, no one asked the countries these people are coming from either."

We're (finally!) seeing a breakthrough in the immigration policy discussion. For the first time in decades, they are addressing this growing issue. This is incredibly exciting. It's an important aspect of the debate we should be having.

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