From Beth Lewin Dean, CEO <[email protected]>
Subject Celebrating our Epilepsy Community
Date April 8, 2021 4:12 PM
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CURE Epilepsy Update: April 2021

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Greetings CURE Epilepsy community,
Beth Lewin Dean

As we celebrate Autism Awareness, Siblings Day ([link removed]) , and Volunteer Appreciation Week this month, we are fortunate to have many opportunities to more formally recognize so many members of our epilepsy community. I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to not just celebrate our epilepsy community members, but to learn more about issues like autism that often intersect with epilepsy ([link removed]) .

I also want to draw special attention to the upcoming deadline to apply for the Education Enrichment Fund ([link removed]) , a one-time scholarship of up to $5,000 for an individual with epilepsy, their loved one, or their caregiver. Our EEF scholars represent the future of epilepsy advocacy, epilepsy research, and the promise of a future free from seizures. Those interested should submit their application by April 15.

In this CURE Epilepsy update, please find information on:
* Autism Awareness Month ([link removed])
* National Siblings Day - April 10 ([link removed])
* Run to Support Epilepsy Research - April 26 to May 2 ([link removed])
* Education Enrichment Fund Scholarship Deadline - April 15 ([link removed])
* National Volunteer Week - April 18-24 ([link removed])
* What’s New from the Seizing Life® podcast ([link removed])

Thank you for your enduring support of research toward a cure for epilepsy.

Beth Lewin Dean, CEO

** April is Autism Awareness Month
Learn More ([link removed])
[link removed] you know that epilepsy and autism spectrum disorder are sometimes interconnected? Roughly one-third of people with epilepsy also have autism. Find out about the connections between epilepsy and autism in our webinar, The Epilepsy-Autism Connection: Research, Diagnosis, and Treatment ([link removed]) and mark your calendars for the Seizing Life episode, Epilepsy and Autism with Liane Kupferberg Carter on April 14.

** National Siblings Day - April 10
Learn More ([link removed])
[link removed] honor of National Siblings Day, we have two opportunities for you to learn more about the impact of epilepsy on siblings.
* When a child has epilepsy, it affects the entire family–including the child’s siblings. This Siblings Day, we want to honor the brothers and sisters of people with epilepsy and spotlight their experiences and their needs. Join us for a free webinar supported with funding from Zogenix, Siblings and Severe Childhood Epilepsy: The Impact of Seizures on the Family’s Mental Health ([link removed]) , on Tuesday, April 13 at 3:00 pm CST.

* Two college students share their experiences growing up with a sibling who has epilepsy, their advice to other families, and their plans for the future on this episode of Seizing Life ([link removed]) .

** Run to Support Epilepsy Research
Register ([link removed])
[link removed] like a marathon runner, research must continue to push forward until we reach the finish line: a cure for epilepsy. Join Team CURE Epilepsy Champions ([link removed]) of all different fitness levels for a virtual marathon this spring to help raise funds to find a cure. We encourage everyone to post pictures on social media to connect with Team CURE Epilepsy runners around the world using the hashtag #TeamCUREepilepsy ([link removed]) . Don’t want to run 26.2 miles? You can still be part of the Team by running a shorter distance, walking, or simply by raising critical research dollars!

** Education Enrichment Fund Applications Due April 15
Apply Now ([link removed])
[link removed] community of people endeavoring to improve the lives of those living with epilepsy goes well beyond our nurses, doctors and researchers. We are indebted to the advocates, journalists, lawyers, bloggers, educators, social workers, and everyone else who acts as an agent of change for the epilepsy community!

CURE Epilepsy, along with Greenwich Biosciences, is committed to supporting those who support the community via our Education Enrichment Fund (EEF) ([link removed]) . The EEF provides 10 one-time scholarships of up to $5,000 to support coursework in the scholars’ chosen fields so that they can use their knowledge and skills to become agents of change in the epilepsy community. The scholarships will be awarded to people living with epilepsy, their loved ones, or caregivers who are seeking to advance your personal knowledge in the field of epilepsy, as it relates to research, health education, or advocacy. Applications are due April 15, 2021.

** National Volunteer Week is April 18-24
Learn More ([link removed])
[link removed] Epilepsy is so proud to recognize and honor our volunteers, without whom our work wouldn’t be possible. Watch our social media between April 18 and April 24 to learn about the people volunteering to support us in our mission to find a cure for epilepsy.

** New from Seizing Life^®, a CURE Epilepsy Podcast
Watch or listen ([link removed])

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Catch up on the latest episodes of our Seizing Life podcast where we share:
* What can you do as a parent to help your child navigate adolescence while also dealing with a difficult health condition? Watch or listen ([link removed]) .
* Thoughts from husband-and-wife advocates for Epilepsy Canada, our strategic partner, on community, fatherhood, and seizures. Watch or listen ([link removed]) .
* Two college students discussing their experiences growing up with a sibling who has epilepsy, their advice to other families, and their plans for the future. Watch or listen ([link removed]) .

Our mission is to find a cure for epilepsy, by promoting and funding patient-focused research. CURE Epilepsy is a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Our tax identification number is 36-4253176.
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