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Dunkin' Launches 41 Vegan Donuts

Dunkin’ just announced the launch of more than 40 vegan donut flavors. The catch? They’re only available in the Netherlands and Belgium…for now.

The coffee giant shared on its Netherlands and Belgian Instagram accounts “Yes, your prayers have been heard!” as it announced the release of more than 40 different vegan donut flavors. They are currently only available to order online for delivery but will hit stores mid-May with the intention to expand across Europe. 

After years of urging Dunkin’ to offer a vegan donut nationwide in the U.S., we think it’s safe to say that it is your “prayers” that have been heard. Since Dunkin’ is an American brand, could this be a trial run before launching in the U.S. market? We sure hope so.

Join us in urging Dunkin’ to bring these vegan donuts
stateside with a quick comment on social media.


Aquaculture's Plague on Welfare, Environment & Health

No matter the type of environment, aquaculture is inherently inhumane. Aquatic animals have impressive cognitive abilities, making them aware of the deplorable plights their forced living environments thrusts upon them. Recent scientific developments reveal that many aquatic species have a range of cognitive abilities, including the capacity for pain, pleasure and joy. Read more.

How Consumers Are Being Deceived
Humanewashing is an effort by the meat, dairy and egg industries to market animal products to conscientious consumers using deceptive packaging and labeling to promote the illusion of animal well-being, while concealing the fact that most animals raised for food are raised on factory farms. Watch this short video that shows how the meat, dairy and egg industries humanewash their products.

We're Almost A Week Away

Have you signed up yet? Take the VegPledge and receive daily emails containing recipes, tips, resources and more to support you on your vegan journey. There are 52 weeks in a year. Why not make at least one of them vegan?

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