John: The House of Representatives passed the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act) on March 9. President Biden is ready to sign the PRO Act into law if it gets through the Senate to his desk, so we must continue to encourage our DMV senators to vote YES on the PRO Act. Unfortunately, Senator Mark Warner (VA) has yet to sign on to the PRO Act as a co-sponsor, so if you live in Virginia, make sure you tell him Labor expects him to sign on to the PRO Act!
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Our labor laws are outdated and no longer protect our right to form and join unions. The PRO Act is the most significant worker empowerment legislation since the Great Depression. The PRO Act will:
Hold corporations accountable for union-busting.
Protect workers' rights to form and join unions, including in new industries like Big Tech.
Repeal "right to work" laws.
Stronger unions mean higher wages, safer working conditions and dignity for all people who work.
Passing the PRO Act will be our first step in getting there.
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