Help oppose Government plans to increase the UK's nuclear arsenal: please donate to CND today
Dear Friend,

I'm sure you will have seen the appalling news that the Government plans to massively increase the country's stockpile of nuclear warheads. This reverses decades of gradual reductions in the UK's nuclear arsenal.

As the world wrestles with the pandemic and climate change, it beggars belief that our government wants to increase Britain's nuclear arsenal. This is no time to start a new nuclear arms race.

We must raise £20,000 to publicise and campaign against this disastrous plan. Will you help by making a donation today?
Each of the warheads the UK currently owns is around 8 times the power of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, which killed over 200,000 people. That's a killing capacity of hundreds of millions. How can Boris Johnson conceivably justify that arsenal, never mind increasing it?

These weapons are designed to kill and destroy on an unimaginable scale, For the Government to want to acquire more of them, in the face of all its moral and legal obligations, is truly shocking, and we must do everything in our power to oppose them.

We need to spread the message and alert the public to what the Government is trying to do, and we need your help to do so. Please, if you can, donate today and help oppose these plans for a new nuclear arms race.
I hope I can count on your support at this most crucial time.

In peace,
Kate Hudson
General Secretary

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