In response to being deplatformed from social media, the Disinformation Dozen has rebranded themselves as some kind of "Truth" Super Heroes.

The 12 "Vaccine Truths" from the Disinformation Dozen read straight out of our list of PRATTS - anti-vaccine Points Refuted a Thousand Times...
Does 'T' stand for tetanus???

Yeah, maybe in Bizarro World...

12 Vaccine Truths from the Disinformation Dozen Explained

Anyway, as you might have expected, their so-called "Vaccine Truths" read straight out of our list of PRATTS - anti-vaccine Points Refuted a Thousand Times...

As most people now, liability was shifted to the Vaccine Court, but vaccine manufacturers can still be sued.

As most people now, liability was shifted to the Vaccine Court, but vaccine manufacturers can still be sued, as at least one member of the Disinformation Dozen is well aware.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr is actually suing Merck, the manufacturer of the Gardasil vaccine!

The DPT lawsuits that led to National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) were later found to be mostly frivolous.

The DPT lawsuits that led to National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) were later found to be mostly frivolous and it was found that the DPT vaccine didn't actually cause all of the severe reactions for which it was being blamed.

Unavoidably unsafe doesn't mean that vaccines are unsafe

This is a twofer... Unavoidably unsafe doesn't mean that vaccines are unsafe. And although the NVICP has awarded over $4 billion dollars as compensation for vaccine injuries, that's since 1989, when billions and billions of vaccines have been safely given.

There are many independent vaccine studies that show vaccines are safe - studies not funded by Big Pharma.

There are many independent vaccine studies that show vaccines are safe - studies not funded by Big Pharma. And global safety systems monitoring vaccine safety.

It is no secret that some vaccines are made in cell lines that were derived (they can replicate infinitely) from electively terminated pregnancies (abortions) that were done 35 to 50 years ago.

It is no secret that some vaccines are made in cell lines that were derived (they can replicate infinitely) from electively terminated pregnancies (abortions) that were done 35 to 50 years ago. No new abortions are being done to get these cells though. It is also important for people to understand that these cells and any residual DNA are almost all removed before the vaccines are finished. If any DNA remained, they would be in fragments and unable to cause any problems.

It is also no secret that without these vaccines, millions of people would die.

The myths that vaccines aren't evaluated for mutagenicity, carcinogenicity or impairment of fertility and that they aren't tested together.

This is another twofer. The myths that vaccines aren't evaluated for mutagenicity, carcinogenicity or impairment of fertility and that they aren't tested together.

It is also a myth that there has been an increase in infant mortality (it has been decreasing!) and that most kids have a chronic health condition.

Did any of our heroes actually look at their immunization records from when they were kids?

In 1960, kids got multiple doses of the DPT, polio, smallpox, and DT vaccines.

In 1960, kids got multiple doses of the DPT, polio, smallpox, and DT vaccines.

What else did they get? Measles, mumps, Hib, pneumococcal disease, meningococcal disease, rotavirus, chicken pox, and hepatitis A and B - all life-threatening, now vaccine-preventable diseases.

How many new vaccines have been added to the immunization schedule for young children in the past thirty years?

Would you guess five?

  • chicken pox – 1995
  • DTaP – 1996 (replaced DTP)
  • hepatitis A vaccine – 1996
  • rotavirus vaccine – 1998
  • pneumococcal vaccine – 2000
  • influenza vaccines – 2004

Most other new vaccines were added for preteens and teens.

It is also a myth that there has been an increase in infant mortality (it has been decreasing!) and that most kids have a chronic health condition.

The ironic thing is that we wouldn't need strict vaccine mandates without non-medical exemptions if these folks didn't scare so many folks away from vaccinating and protecting their kids.

The ironic thing is that we wouldn't need strict vaccine mandates without non-medical exemptions if these folks didn't scare so many folks away from vaccinating and protecting their kids.

Still, vaccine mandates don't force anyone to get vaccinated. These are mandates with a choice. Folks who don't want to get vaccinated or who don't want to vaccinate and protect their kids typically don't like the choices they are given though. They want to send their intentionally unvaccinated kid to school, for example, taking away everyone else's choice to go to school in a disease free environment, including those who can't be vaccinated.

Covid-19 vaccines are vaccines...

I was going to write that if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, then... but I'm worried that the DisInformation Dozen will start claiming we are putting duck parts in our vaccines! And wait, why didn't they try to claim that COVID-19 vaccines are gene therapy?

Would these folks encourage anyone to get a COVID-19 vaccine if they were formally FDA approved?

Would these folks encourage anyone to get a COVID-19 vaccine if they were formally FDA approved? And why are they so against the COVID-19 vaccines, which have actually been well studied, completing stage III clinical trials, but then get so excited about unapproved, experimental therapies that have either been shown to not work or have little chance of working?

studies have shown that COVID-19 vaccines do actually prevent disease and transmission of infection!

This one is actually true... well, except for all of the times that studies have shown that COVID-19 vaccines do actually prevent disease and transmission of infection!

While there are reports of deaths and severe reactions after people have gotten their COVID-19 vaccines in VAERS, there are also plenty of reassuring reports explaining why those deaths and severe injuries are likely not actually caused by those COVID-19 vaccines!
Anaphylaxis is the one extra severe reaction that we are seeing with COVID-19 vaccines.

While there are reports of deaths and severe reactions after people have gotten their COVID-19 vaccines in VAERS, there are also plenty of reassuring reports explaining why those deaths and severe injuries are likely not actually caused by those COVID-19 vaccines!

Wait, why would our "Truth Heroes" leave that part out???

Did they mention how many people have died with COVID-19 and other vaccine-preventable diseases?

Don't listen to them.

There is a reason that they are getting kicked off Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It isn't censorship. It is because they are misleading and scaring people away from getting vaccinated and protected in the middle of a pandemic.

More on Vaccine Truths