
We were proud to endorse Mark Kelly in 2020 because, as a Navy combat veteran and retired NASA astronaut, we believed in his ability to go to the Senate and get things done. Since taking office, Senator Kelly has proved time and again that we were right to support him.

Now, Mark Kelly needs our help again.

In March, we learned that a dark money group in Arizona has started running attack ads against Mark a full 18 months out from Election Day. We also know that multiple Trump-Republicans are considering running against him in 2022.

It’s clear that Mark is going to have a huge fight on his hands—again. And he’s going to need help from fired-up Democrats across the country to keep his seat.

Will you support Mark Kelly and help Democrats hold Arizona by rushing a contribution right now?


It took a ton of work and resources to get Mark Kelly over the finish line last November. But all of that effort was worth it, as Democrats flipped a crucial Senate seat and delivered a knockout blow to Donald Trump in the Electoral College. Now, Republicans are going to do everything they can to take that seat back—and the best way to stop them is by making sure we start building our resources early.

Winning campaigns put in the work early. We showed up in 2020 for Mark—let’s do it again to make sure he wins in 2022.

Thank you for all that you do,

-Serve America