Pramila is once again leading on an issue that is critical to restoring power to the people.
Yesterday, Pramila introduced a Constitutional amendment to get big money and corporate special interests OUT of politics, so the people’s voice can be heard in our Democracy. The We The People Amendment says that corporate political spending is NOT speech protected under the constitution. It would overturn the disastrous 2010 Citizens United ruling by the Supreme Court and ensure that Constitutional rights are for people — NOT corporations.
Pramila said it perfectly: “Corporations are not people and money is not speech.”
Citizens United established political spending as protected speech, further prevented limits on campaign spending, and allowed outside groups to accept unlimited political donations. That was awful for our democracy!
But like so many of the issues Pramila is leading on, getting big money out of politics is extremely popular across the political spectrum. A big part of the reason we can’t get these popular policies passed is the influence of corporations in politics. That corporate influence needs to end — now.
In solidarity,
Team Jayapal