John, President Biden recently introduced the American Jobs Plan, which Bernie Sanders called a “serious proposal” to update our infrastructure, combat the climate crisis and invest in clean energy, expand the rights of unions and their ability to organize for working people, and create millions of jobs in the process. A lot of this proposal is paid for with reasonable taxes on corporations and the wealthiest Americans, and disincentives against offshoring American jobs. However, as Bernie Sanders also said, we need to also take a hard look at expanding the “human infrastructure” that allows working families to live decent lives — that means guaranteeing affordable child care, taking on the pharmaceutical industry to demand reasonable rates for prescription drugs, real action to relieve student debt, and significantly more investments in climate action. John, the American Jobs Plan is a clear example of how much influence our movement is having in real-time over the legislative agenda of the Biden administration. That’s why we’re asking for your honest feedback on our strategy around the American Jobs Plan. John, can you click here and take a few minutes to let us know what you think?
Strategy Survey
Meanwhile, fake “centrists” — who use that branding to distract from their inexplicable allegiance to unpopular ideas that just so happen to benefit elite donors at the expense of working Americans — are trying their very best to weaken this proposal as much as possible. The “Problem Solvers Caucus” in the U.S. House wants more tax breaks for rich people, and U.S. Senator Joe Manchin thinks the bill makes corporations pay too much. As Our Revolution expands our organizing presence in West Virginia and Arizona (to pressure Kyrsten Sinema — a U.S.Senator who thought it was a good idea to do an endzone dance on the Senate floor after voting against raising a $15 minimum wage), we will continue to pressure these “centrists” into siding with the vast majority of Americans who want bold investments in infrastructure, to get big money out of politics, and science-based action against the climate crisis. John, we want your advice on what you think the best strategic pressure points are — do you have a few minutes to take our American Jobs Plan strategy survey?
Strategy Survey
In solidarity, The whole team at Our Revolution
