

It’s only April and our Congressman in the 2nd district, Jeff Van Drew, already has so much to be ashamed of. We’ve compiled some of his worst failures so far, and we’re asking YOU to pick the worst #traitorvandrew moment in his Hall of Shame. Was it his gaudy blue suit on the House floor, or his complete and total betrayal of his constituents during a global pandemic? See which moments made the cut, and then pick your favorite:


Most Cringe-Worthy:

Van Drew pledged his “undying loyalty” to Donald Trump, the reality show President who was impeached not once, but twice. There are a lot of reasons to be loyal to a President, but colluding with enemy governments, unparalleled cruelty, and inciting insurrection aren’t some of them! 

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Most Questionable Judgement:

Van Drew voted to keep Marjorie Taylor-Greene, the ultra right-wing Congresswoman from Georgia, on her committees. This was AFTER she: harassed an 18-year old gun violence activist, spouted Q-Anon conspiracy theories, and expressed support for executing prominent Democratic politicians. 

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Biggest Flip Flop:

Van Drew voted “no” on the Equality Act, which would extend Civil Rights protections to the LGBTQ+ community. Extremely worthy legislation that Van Drew supported when he was a Democrat, but voted against as a Republican. 

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Most Harmful:

Van Drew voted against the COVID-19 relief package, which gave Americans $1,400 stimulus checks, provided direct assistance to small businesses, and funded vaccine efforts. New Jersey has been devastated by the coronavirus, but hats off to Van Drew for always keeping what’s important in perspective: politics!

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Most Damaging to Democracy:

Van Drew voted against HR1, which would have expanded voting rights, limited money in politics, and curbed partisan gerrymandering. This is yet another bill that Van Drew supported as a Democrat but voted against as a Republican. Guess that’s what happens when you join the party whose policy ideas are so unpopular that you have to suppress votes!

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Biggest Class Clown:

Van Drew was caught ignoring COVID-19 guidelines while at an indoor campaign stop for Gubernatorial candidate Jack Ciatterelli. There were too many people and not enough masks, not to mention that public health guidelines are there for a reason - to keep people safe! Apparently, both Van Drew and Ciatterelli think the rules don’t apply to them. 

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There are (unfortunately!) so many moments to choose from, but what do you think is the most shameful? Voting is open - stay tuned for a winner! And don’t forget - if you hate what you saw here, sign up to join our movement to defeat Van Drew in 2022!


-- NJDSC Team


Paid for by the New Jersey Democratic State Committee.

New Jersey Democratic State Committee
194-196 West State Street
Trenton, NJ 08608
United States

