End the dictatorship in Harrisburg....
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On Tuesday, May 18th, on Primary Election day, we have the opportunity to vote for two constitutional amendments to restore accountability in the state of Pennsylvania, and we'll need their help to do it. We need to vote YES! on these amendments to reign in dictator Wolf.
My remarks from the recent press conference with the York County Delegation and Young Republicans.
We can't sit home on election day and allow our freedoms to be stripped away. Our system of government was crafted by founders who developed a system of checks and balances to ensure that the people have a voice. 

That voice has been silenced by Gov. Tom Wolf, who has refused to work with the general assembly throughout this pandemic. Tom Wolf made decisions that took away people's livelihoods, set students back in their education, and caused serious harm to small businesses. We need to restore the checks and balances in Pennsylvania, and it starts with voting YES on May 18th. These questions are the first and necessary steps to restoring accountability in Pennsylvania.

Regardless of a voter's registered political party, all voters can vote on these questions on May 18th - please spread the word.

To learn more about the questions and the issues, click here.
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