John, this week, Senators are back in their home states on recess. And when they get back, we need to make sure that they prioritize making our elections more free and fair with the For the People Act.
This groundbreaking democracy bill will make a MAJOR difference: for our right to vote, for everyday people’s power against big money, for fair redistricting and an end to gerrymandering, for ethics in government, and for a government that truly works for every single American.
Can you place a call to your senators’ in-state offices in support of a democracy that works for all of us? Call 1-833-497-4273 to get connected, then let us know how it went >>
No matter what state you live in, you have a part to play in passing this bill to make our democracy work for everyone. Senators will only do what it takes to pass the For the People Act through Mitch McConnell’s filibuster if they hear that it’s a priority for people like you.
The For the People Act will:
● protect every American’s right to vote...
● ensure that people, not Big Money, set the agenda...
● end partisan and racial gerrymandering...
● clean up our government...
● and make democracy work for everyone
This once-in-a-generation bill would make our political system more inclusive, responsive, and representative of the American people -- and I need your help to make sure we don’t miss this opportunity to pass it.
We CAN pass the For the People Act if we all speak out right now -- will you please call your senators today at 1-833-497-4273 then let us know how your call went?
Thanks for all you do,
Aaron Scherb, Director of Legislative Affairs
and the team at Common Cause
P.S. You can learn more about the For the People Act and take action at our new campaign website, -- with information about what’s in the bill, what individual senators are saying, and more ways to get involved.