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Hi Friend,

We are reflecting on the extraordinary rise in hate crimes against Asian Americans over the past year while we honor the women who died to gun violence in North Georgia last month. We invite you to read NCLEJ’s statement of solidarity with Asian American communities against racist violence authored by Anjana Malhotra, our new Senior Staff Attorney.

The violence Asian Americans experience, now and in the past, reflects how white supremacy dehumanizes people of color here in the U.S. and around the world. If we confront the culture and system that enables this violence, we can change how we think and act. We can transform and address it.

Racial justice, and real safety, starts with healing economic inequity. We support Asian American communities, and we continue to fight for the rights of Asian Americans, and all people of color who have the least access, historically and today, to jobs, safety nets, intergenerational wealth, and basic economic livelihood.

NCLEJ honors all the lives of Asian Americans lost to systemic oppression.

In solidarity,
Dennis Parker


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