I’m not a typical politician, folks.

For years, I was a geologist. Then, I got laid off and took every scrap of savings in my bank account to open a brewpub in downtown Denver. Our flagship brews were the Timberland Pale and Sagebrush Stout.

We sold them for $2.25 a pint (50 cents less than a pint of Budweiser).

I loved the brewpub. I loved bringing people together from all over with different opinions and creating a team to do something special. And let me tell you, there was nothing we couldn’t solve over a nice, cold beer.

Today, I’m personally asking you to chip in just $4.50 — the price of our two flagship beers — on National Beer Day to help us bring people together and make progress on the issues that matter. Chip in here, if you can:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

I didn’t run for office for fame, money, or power. I ran for Senate because, like the brewpub, I wanted to bring people together to get stuff done. And that’s exactly what we’re doing.

Rather than hobnob with big donors or host fancy dinners in exchange for campaign checks, I depend on this grassroots team every step of the way to help us take on the tough fights.

That’s why I’m personally asking you to chip in just $4.50 — the price of our two flagship beers — to help us celebrate National Beer Day. Your grassroots contribution keeps us in the Senate fighting to get things done.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

I’ll never forget where I came from — a laid-off geologist turned brewer turned U.S. Senator. And I’ll never forget who I’m fighting for.

Thanks for everything,
