From Chairman Allen West <[email protected]>
Subject Trump Had It Right
Date April 7, 2021 3:44 PM
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The left has lost all sense of respect and
common decency.

A few weeks ago, I was holding a press
conference in Laredo Texas when a group of radical, open borders
protesters came and tried to shut me down and silence me.

This is what censorship is all about . . .

Leftists are trying to drown out any voices
that will not go along with their radical ideological agenda.

Attempts at censorship like this have no
place in America, and certainly no place in Texas.

Will you contribute $25 or more today to send
a message back to these radicals that we will not be censored?

Watch the Press Conference Here


Donald Trump had it right.

"Without borders, we don't have a country."

These radicals will fight and bully us every
step of the way to achieve the destruction of America.

It's up to patriots like you and me to stand
up and defend our freedoms.

Will you stand with me by making a donation
of $25 or more today to stop these delusional bullies?

Steadfast and Loyal,

Lt. Col. Allen West (Ret.)
Chairman, Republican Party of Texas

Paid for and Authorized by the Republican
Party of Texas

P.O. Box 2206
Austin, TX 78768

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