3 Actions You Can Take in 10 Minutes or Less!
Dear John,
Below are 3 things you can do in under 10 minutes. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. We need to squeak as loud as we can so these corporations and elected officials hear us. They are certainly hearing from the Left. Please take action and share this email with everyone you know.
IMPORTANT: We are using a new activism tool called Freeroots that the Left cannot cancel. Because of our effective activism and defense of the Constitution, the Left and their Cancel Culture agenda have targeted us. We have been canceled by eight different companies. We had to move to something we completely control so that the Left cannot stop or block our efforts. This is why we have Freeroots.
We have been canceled by Paypal, Discover Card, Event Brite, Amazon, and the list goes on and on. Stripe, the company that processes our donations, cut us off Christmas Eve and we had to find another alternative.
We are excited to announce that we now use a secure platform, free from third-party companies that wish to cancel free speech. We can communicate with our members, take action, and continue pressuring members of Congress without our emails being blocked or sent to spam.
Once you register with Freeroots, just like you registered with the previous vendor we were using, you will never have to register again. The Stop HR1- S1 bill action alert we sent last week using Freeroots now has over half a million signatures (735,737). It is a powerful tool.
WE DO NOT SELL, RENT, OR SHARE YOUR INFORMATION with anyone - EVER. This has been our organization's policy for 19 years.
Thank you again for your activism and patriotism. Together we rise in defense of freedom and win!
