As a working mom trying to support 3 kids during COVID, I had to quit a job to care for my kids who were stuck in online school.
I had no choice – lawmakers just left us out here for ourselves. Families like mine were losing work that we should not have had to lose because we needed to care for our kids, elderly parents, or family members with disabilities.
I turned out to vote for change alongside millions of other working people last November. Now, President Biden is delivering on his promises – he just announced a plan to create millions of good union jobs, stop climate change, and support home care workers and families that need care at home.
Biden heard our message – now make sure Congress does too. Share on FACEBOOK or TWITTER.

I'm still working. I make $13 an hour as a shift manager at McDonald's. It's enough to keep from drowning, but not enough to pay for the things we actually need – certainly not enough for child care.
It's essential that all families can afford care for their loved ones. And it's essential that those workers who care for us get the same things we ALL deserve – union rights, respect on the job, and $15/hr!
Tell Congress: Care Is Essential! Share on FACEBOOK or TWITTER.
In solidarity,
Bridget Hughes
McDonald's Worker
Kansas City, MO
Fight for $15 and a Union