I wanted to write a quick note to tell you about the latest bill I introduced in Congress -- the Our Homes Our Votes Act.
This bill would allow people to register to vote while signing a lease for public housing -- similar to the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 or the “Motor Voter Law,” which allows people to register to vote as they get their drivers' licenses.
When we make the process easier for eligible voters, more people will make their voices heard and claim their power in our democracy. There are plenty of people in Pennsylvania who don't drive, and I hope this bill will make it a bit easier for them to vote.
It might seem simple and straightforward, but this bill will face staunch opposition from Republicans in both the House and the Senate -- because we know they thrive on voter suppression, especially of low-income communities, to win elections.
The president and CEO of the National Low Income Housing Coalition called this bill “a simple solution to one of the most persistent voter disparities in our democracy” -- it could help millions of Americans access the fundamental right to vote. But we've seen the harsh tactics the GOP has taken against the For The People Act, and we're expecting them to come out in full force against this bill as well.
Everyone should be able to participate in our democracy. That's why, as I'm proposing national legislation to make voting easier, my field team is attacking this issue from the other end, already hard at work organizing for the 2022 midterms in PA-05.
These voter mobilization efforts are costly -- and I want to be able to grow our team, maximize our impact, and make sure we get a head start on the crucial elections next year -- but we're currently running $1,340 short of our weekly fundraising goal.
Can you contribute $5, $10, or $25 right now to help us close that gap? The link to donate is here:
Supporters like you are on my mind as I fight for equity in voting. Thank you so much for supporting me in this fight.
Mary Gay


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