From Julia DeGraw <[email protected]>
Subject Fwd: Help Oregon Get To 100% Clean Energy!
Date April 6, 2021 10:15 PM
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Dear John,

We have an exciting update on the 100% Clean Energy For All Act (HB 2021)! The latest amendments to the bill (the -5 and -9 amendments) include everything we are looking for to create good quality jobs and an equitable and just transition to a clean energy future by 2040. We are eager to submit public testimony this Wednesday in favor of the bill on behalf of you and hundreds of other OLCV supporters.

Will you take action today to support the 100% Clean Energy For All Act? [Click here: [link removed]]

Please take action by the end of the day Wednesday, April 7, and we will submit the petition and the names of all you who have signed as public testimony in favor of HB 2021.

Thank you for taking action,
Julia DeGraw
Coalition Director, OLCV

Dear John,

Great news! Oregon has an opportunity to reach 100% clean energy! House Bill 2021—The 100% Clean Energy For All Act—would put us on a path toward climate justice and a livable future for our kids. Will you help us pass 100% Clean by signing on to our petition? We will be submitting the full petition and list of signers as written testimony in support of HB 2021, which has a public hearing this Monday. Sign the petition: [link removed]

Climate change remains the biggest threat we face, and one we absolutely can and must do something about right now. We know the impacts of climate change are here—just look at the 2020 wildfire season in Oregon, which was the most destructive in our history. The impacts are only going to get worse if we do nothing. We can’t afford to do nothing. We can’t afford to wait. Our kids are looking to us to choose the path that leads to a livable future for them.

The 100% Clean Energy For All Act is that path. It sets Oregon on a path to be powered by 100% clean electricity, such as from wind and solar, as soon as possible (no later than 2040). This bill will ensure new clean energy maximizes economic opportunities to environmental justice communities, meaning rural and low-income communities, Black people, Indigenous people, and other people of color, and Tribal Nations. It will mean good jobs that hire local Oregonians, pay prevailing wage, and provide apprenticeship opportunities.

Please sign here to urge our lawmakers to pass the 100% Clean Energy For All Act (HB 2021)! Sign the petition: [link removed]

While Oregon has taken important steps, we are not yet on the path to 100% clean energy. Oregon still gets half its power from fossil fuels and is currently projected to become the dirtiest energy grid on the West Coast. The 100% Clean Energy For All Act gives us the goal we need, and will bring opportunities for clean energy projects in every community across Oregon.

House Bill 2021 is a critical piece of the Oregon Clean Energy Opportunity’s trio of priority climate bills for this session. This important work is led by environmental justice organizations like Verde, with climate justice and racial equity centered in the bill. It’s going to take all of us to ensure Oregon commits to 100% clean energy and all the benefits that come with it.

Join us by signing on to urge our lawmakers to show leadership by setting us on the path to 100% Clean Energy for All! Sign the petition: [link removed]

Thank you for all you do,
Doug Moore
Executive Director, OLCV


Oregon League of Conservation Voters
321 SW 4th Ave Ste 600
Portland, OR 97204
United States

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