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California Business Roundtable
Press Release

California Business Roundtable Supports Governor Newsom’s Move to Fully Reopen the Economy

April 6, 2021

CONTACT: Brooke Armour
(916) 553-4093
[email protected]

SACRAMENTO—Rob Lapsley, president of the California Business Roundtable, issued the following statement today in response to the announcement by Governor Gavin Newsom that there will be a full reopening of the economy on June 15, 2021 should vaccine and COVID case-rate trends continue:

“For more than a year, the California business community has invested hundreds of millions of dollars to create a safe and healthy space for employees and customers while enduring reductions in customers and sales and, in many cases, unpredictable closures and re-openings. Today’s announcement by Governor Newsom is a welcome step forward and provides certainty to businesses to rehire employees. The business community will continue to aggressively work to stop the spread and encourage vaccinations, which are necessary steps to reopen the economy and protect our communities.

“However, as we have said all along, the economy cannot reopen without schools fully and safely reopening as well, otherwise working parents, especially working mothers, will be left behind. The schools must be a full partner in creating an equitable recovery and reopening, allowing all working families the opportunity to get back to work.”

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California Business Roundtable
1301 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
916.553.4093 | www.cbrt.org
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