“Hip, hip, HOORAY,” shout the national media elites. “The ‘experts’ are back in charge.” You see, with the Biden-Harris Administration now occupying the White House, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) calling the shots in the House, and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) in control of the Senate, the media and their Big Government pals in BOTH parties can’t wait for things to get back to “normal” in Washington, D.C. I don’t know about you, but their idea of “normal” is enough to make my skin crawl. After all, Patriot, the know-it-all “expert” class our media elites are cheerleading for are the same folks who brought America the Iraq War fiasco, warrantless government spying, the 2008 financial crisis and accompanying bailouts, and the never-ending assaults on freedom resulting from the COVID-19 panic. And now, I’m worried you and I could be nearly powerless to fight back against their schemes. You see, after a series of discussions with Campaign for Liberty staff, I’m worried you and I are facing a crisis. I already knew the picture was dire with so many legislative battles raging right now. But now, after the first quarter of the year just ended, I’m worried Campaign for Liberty could be looking at massive across-the-board cuts to all of our programs without a massive influx of funds. That’s why I’m writing you today to ask for your advice. Please click here to immediately fill out your confidential 2021 Campaign for Liberty Supporter Ballot. After you’re finished reading this email, please respond, and tell me where to make cuts, and where to focus Campaign for Liberty’s resources during the rest of what will surely continue to be an extremely busy year. The truth is, I hate that I even have to write you about this right now -- especially with battles unlike anything we’ve ever faced on our plates. At the top of that list is the statists’ continued hyping of COVID-19 as a way to run roughshod over the U.S. Constitution and usher in the Left’s entire socialist agenda. Remember when the “experts’” goal was just to shut down for 15 days to “slow the spread” and “flatten the curve?” Soon after, the “experts’” strategy morphed into quarantines, mask mandates, and economy-crippling lockdowns. But even that now looks like just the beginning. Now, the “experts” are rallying behind a government-issued “COVID-19 Passport,” a special identifying card that will be required by every American man, woman, and child just to leave their homes and go out into the public. And of course, the way to get one is to acquire the COVID-19 vaccine. Modeled after H.R. 6666 -- the so-called “Testing, Reaching & Contacting Everyone Act,” or TRACE Act -- a “COVID-19 Passport” would open up all aspects of our daily lives to be tracked and traced by a medical Gestapo, all “for our safety” of course. And the bad news is that it’s already started, with major airlines already requiring “Digital COVID-19 Passports” for some passengers and a requirement for all might not be far behind. Calling it “the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel,” COVID-19 Passports “will be a tool used to get people back to work and play.” And as CNBC recently reported, “companies are racing to build digital passports for people to prove they’ve had the COVID vaccine.” Of course, the “experts” say you can’t mention the 2,190 deaths that have been reported to the U.S. government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) as of just last week! And never mind that Americans have reported 51,000 “serious” injuries (meaning either missed workdays or medical interventions). Or the fact that according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, “fewer than 1% of vaccine injuries” even get reported to VAERS. We’re just supposed to forget about all that and get stuck with this dangerous vaccine -- or stay locked up in your home for good. But if you think Campaign for Liberty should STOP all efforts to defeat COVID-19 “passports,” please mark, “STOP BATTLING COVID-19 CRACKDOWNS ON FREEDOM” on your Supporter Ballot. But before you do, please remember the “experts” are also using the COVID-19 panic to create momentum for their socialist “great reset.” “Never let a good crisis go to waste,” as the “experts’” mantra goes. In fact, during a recent panel discussion at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, former Senator and Secretary of State John Kerry -- and President Joe Biden’s new “climate czar” -- stated: “I personally believe ... we’re at the dawn of an extremely exciting time. The notion of a [great] reset is more important than ever before.” According to a document published by the World Economic Forum, the “Great Reset” is essentially a cleverly named backdoor way of ushering in the very worst of the Left’s socialist agenda, including: *** A “Great
Reset” of Capitalism. This is nothing more than code for SOCIALISM. In fact, completely changing our economic systems to
“promote more equitable outcomes” is the very first step listed in the elites’ official three-step plan for a “Great
Reset.” Let me be clear. That means taking YOUR hard-earned money to give to others who’ll vote for more socialism; *** AOC’s job-destroying “Green New Deal.” Stating “every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed,” the elites’ plan for a “Great Reset” calls for massive government investments in less-efficient “green” energy, a ban on drilling for oil and natural gas, and a host of other economy-crushing “green” regulations on businesses; and *** A complete authoritarian police state regime. If you think it’s bad now, just wait! It’ll be COVID-19 shutdowns on steroids -- where government bureaucrats are empowered INDEFINITELY to determine which businesses and institutions are “allowed” to remain open and your every move is tracked, traced, and monitored. Armed with TOTAL control of the entire federal government, the Democrats are wasting no time using the COVID-19 pandemic to usher in their “Great Reset.” President Biden proposed a nearly $3 Trillion “Infrastructure Plan,” which promises new roads and bridges, but in reality it looks the Trojan Horse to sneak in “Great Reset” agenda items that would never pass on their own! It’s critical that we act to stop this plan being rammed through on the back of big and undeliverable promises. The fact is, the “Great Reset” is designed to finally snuff out liberty’s flame in America. But if you think Campaign for Liberty should just ignore this socialist threat, please mark, “FORGET ABOUT THE ‘GREAT RESET’” on your Supporter Ballot. But before you do, please remember that our Second Amendment freedoms are hanging in the balance with Biden in the White House and Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi calling the shots in Congress. Based on his decades of support for even the most radical gun control schemes, Joe Biden is already the most anti-gun president in American history -- by a long shot. When asked by a reporter if “a Biden Administration means they’re going to come for my guns,” -- he responded “BINGO!” without hesitation. As you know, Joe Biden supports virtually every conceivable form of government restriction on the Second Amendment you can imagine. I’m talking about everything from gun confiscations to “mental health tests” for gun owners to new taxes on guns and ammo, to a national gun registry/database (under the guise of “expanded background checks”). News reports are that one of the very top items on the Biden-Harris administration’s agenda is shutting down American firearm manufacturing by leaving them wide open for lawsuits if one of their firearms is used in a crime! Just imagine Home Depot being sued because someone used one of their hammers to bust a car windshield! It may sound crazy. But when it comes to these radicals, NOTHING is off the table. But if you think C4L should STOP protecting our Second Amendment freedoms, please mark “CUT PROGRAMS PROTECTING GUN RIGHTS” on your Supporter Ballot. But before you do, please remember that with the COVID-19 lockdowns crippling our economy and skyrocketing government spending, it’s never been more critical to pass our Audit the Fed bill and show the American people how rigged and corrupt the system really is. Of course, government spending has been out-of-control for decades -- leading to a national debt of more than $28 TRILLION dollars today. In fact, nearly 25% of ALL the debt accumulated by the United States since 1776 was incurred in just the last 12 months! And with Joe Biden and the Democrats in power, it’s only gotten much worse with the $1.9 TRILLION “stimulus” that was just passed -- and we haven’t even seen the worst effects of it yet. Already, Biden and the reckless spenders in Congress are working on another $3 Trillion “infrastructure” package that looks like another disaster for the Dollar. And if that’s not bad enough, Biden installed former Obama Fed Chair Janet Yellen as his new Secretary of the Treasury. As you may remember, during her time as Chair of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen pumped up a dangerous stock market bubble, doled out special deals to her insider friends, and enabled Congress' out-of-control spending spree. Worse yet, Yellen also publicly threatened to “forcefully” oppose passage of Audit the Fed -- even predicting Chicken Little horrors if the Federal Reserve's actions are ever exposed! But with our economy in shambles after the lockdowns and closures, more and more Americans are waking up to the fact that another financial crisis is looming just around the corner. The fact is, it’s a crisis being fueled by Congress’ out-of-control spending, which is all made possible by the Fed. When taxing and borrowing still don’t make ends meet, the Federal Reserve prints money out of thin air to cover the bills. Through the hidden tax of inflation, they hollow out the middle class as the money you earn is worth less and less every day. While the well-connected BILLIONAIRES get richer and richer, the costs of food, fuel, housing, medical care, and education soar. And everyone who is NOT on the government dole has to figure out how make ends meet. And many just can’t. If we don’t expose this scam now, it’s only a matter of time until every last shred of American wealth is wiped out. But if you think we should stop worrying about the Federal Reserve -- the linchpin of Big Government in Washington, D.C. -- please mark “GIVE UP ON AUDIT THE FED!” on your Supporter Ballot. But before you do, there’s one more issue I hope you will consider. And that’s the fact that the Democrats are trying to use the riots that occurred at the Capitol on January 6 as an excuse to ram through the so-called “Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act” -- better known as the “PATRIOT Act 2.0” -- to achieve their longtime goal of turning America into an Orwellian police state where your every move is tracked, traced, and monitored by government bureaucrats. I’m not surprised. After all, President Biden publicly brags about writing the original “PATRIOT Act” -- even claiming that “the bill John Ashcroft sent up was my bill,” referring to The Patriot Act. And now the Democrats are waging a domestic “war on terror” targeting Trump supporters, libertarians, and anyone else who doesn’t toe the “woke” line. Section 215 of the so-called “PATRIOT Act” will likely be back on the table too. As you know, this section of federal law is what allows the NSA to keep tabs on every Americans’ phone calls, emails, texts, chats, and Internet searches. Thanks to your action, we forced its expiration last year. But don’t think for a second this fight is over and done with. Without your continued action, I’m very worried the America you and I love won’t be around much longer. It will be unrecognizable. And freedom will exist nowhere but in our memories. But if you think we should stop battling government’s attacks on Americans’ privacy, please mark, “CUT EFFORTS TO STOP GOVERNMENT SPYING” on your Supporter Ballot. As you’ll see, there are no easy choices. Focusing solely on any one area means Campaign for Liberty will simply have to let the statists in BOTH parties get their way in another. I can’t even bear to think about what that would mean for the future of our country. That’s why, as you’ll see, I’ve included one more option on your Supporter Ballot. That’s “FIGHT EVERYWHERE! DON’T GIVE AN INCH!” But please recognize how serious this is. Without a massive influx of funds, I simply won’t be able to run even a full program on any one of these critical battles, let alone all of them! Fighting the statists everywhere will mean I simply must count on you to go above and beyond what you’ve done in the past. That’s why I simply must hear from you right away. So can I please count on your most generous contribution of $250 TODAY? I know that’s a lot to ask. But if $250 is just too much, please rush me your most generous contribution of $150, $50, or whatever you can afford, IMMEDIATELY! Patriot, this could not be more serious. The stakes are higher for our country than ever before. I’m counting on you to rise to the occasion. So please fill out your Supporter Ballot right away and tell me how to proceed. In liberty, ![]() Dr. Ron Paul Chairman P.S. In the next few days, I must nail down Campaign for Liberty’s most crucial plans for the coming weeks, but I can’t do that without hearing from you first. So please fill out your Supporter Ballot and return it to me right away along with your most generous contribution of $50, $150, or even $250, at once! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. ________________________________________________ The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty,
constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |