The trial of Derek Chauvin, the Minneapolis police officer who murdered George Floyd last year, is bringing front and center the most horrific forms of white supremacy that this case concentrates. The reason hundreds of thousands of people erupted in anger last year was not just because that murder was so particularly tragic (though it was), but because it wasn't unique. It wasn't an aberration. It wasn't just one bad cop. It is so heartbreaking to hear the testimony of witnesses to this brutal crime speaking this week, including young people scarred for life by what they saw. It is incumbent upon us - all of us - to resolve to do whatever it takes to completely dismantle this deadly white supremacy that is baked into the DNA of the United States and was given steroid injections by Trump in power for 4 years and the whole fascist Trump movement.
As we're closely watching that case and looking for some justice, Sam Goldman spoke with Bishop Talbert Swan of the Church of God in Christ and longtime fighter for justice about the voter suppression law passed in Georgia, versions of which have been introduced in 47 states. The episode focuses on the assault on the rights of Black voters that's sweeping the U.S. as a key plank of the fascist strategy for vengeful comeback.
"There are many who have called this a new form of Jim Crow. I push back on that. And I'd say this is the same old Jim Crow. And make no mistake about it. This is about keeping Black folks from voting. It is dastardly. It is wicked, it is downright evil. It's voter suppression. It's fascist and it's racist at its core...."

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From The Blatant Fascism and Naked White Supremacy of Georgia’s New Voter Suppression Law—More Revealed!
On March 25, the Republi-fascists’ war against voting by oppressed nationality people of color
took a major leap as Georgia governor Brian Kemp signed into law a
98-page bill that throws multiple new obstacles in the way of Black,
Brown, and poor voters—on top of obstacles they already face. The
objective is to ensure Republi-fascist control of the state, to
guarantee that Georgia will “vote Republican” in congressional and
presidential elections to come, regardless of what the majority of
people want, and to reduce Black people to second-class citizenship
stripping them of fundamental rights ...
This is a brazen assertion of a fascist movement and program—growing
out of and continuing the kinds of efforts the Trump-led fascist
movement used to bully legislators and officials in Georgia and other
states into overturning the November 2020 election.2 ... read more
From Plague of Historical Amnesia in the Age of Fascist Politicsby Henry Giroux
"...William Faulkner once stated “The past is never dead. It’s not even
past.” In its updated version, we live not only with the ghosts of
genocide and slavery, but also with the ghosts of fascism—we live in the
shadow of the genocidal history of indigenous inhabitants, the Ku Klux
Klan, Jim Crow, and systemic police violence against people of color.[15]
And while we live with the ghosts of our past, we have failed to fully
confront its implications for the present and future. To do so would
mean recognizing that updated forms of fascist politics in the current
moment are not a rupture from the past, but an evolution.[16]
White supremacy now rules the Republican Party and one of its tools of
oppression is the militarization and weaponization of history. Fascism
begins with language and the suppression of dissent, while both
suppressing and rewriting history in the service of power and violence..." read more
“NO! In the Name of Humanity – We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America!
A virulent fascist movement both in and out of government is still
working to re-seize power and consolidate a different form of rule built
on white supremacy, misogyny and xenophobia, relying on overt terror and
violence. Once in power fascism essentially eliminates traditional
democratic rights. Preventing this remains our urgent mission.
Will we allow fascists to win the battle for the future, with
all that means for humanity and the planet, or will we stand up? We
will remain vigilant. We will organize and form action networks to be
proactive and resist the continuing danger of fascism. We pledge to the
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