Hi John,
Can you join us for our special Green Mayor lunchtime panel?
Tuesday 13th April at 1 - 1.45pm we're hosting a talk with Natalie Bennett, Sian Berry and Sandy Hore-Ruthven on the difference Green Mayors can make.
Right now, Green Mayors are winning elections right across the world - from Europe to Oceania. Major cities are now governed by Green politicians leading on addressing the climate emergency.
Here in London, we have just 4 weeks to go until people across our city head to the polls to decide who will be our next Mayor.
And with the clock ticking on climate action, our campaign for Green Mayor gives us a huge opportunity to set the agenda and win a record result.
Join us for a lunchtime event with our candidates Sian Berry for London and Sandy Hore-Ruthven for Bristol on Tuesday 13th April at 1 - 1.45pm
We will be exploring why these elections matter - and how our campaign can impact not just on our cities - but on climate action across England and Wales.
Thank you,
Benali Hamdache
London Campaign Manager
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