No one has been more adamant about allowing corporations to interfere in our politics than Mitch McConnell — the top crusader for the Citizens United decision which opened the floodgates of corporate campaign funding.

That’s why it’s pretty rich to see Mitch now calling on corporations to “stay out of politics” after companies like Delta Airlines and Coca-Cola, along with Major League Baseball, expressed their disagreement with Georgia’s new voter suppression legislation.

McConnell thinks it’s "just fine" for corporations to spend unlimited boatloads of secret money electing their favorite candidates — but he just warned those same companies they could face “serious consequences” for speaking out in support of Americans’ right to vote!

McConnell and his allies are terrified that our movement to push back against their national campaign of voter suppression is gaining steam.

We can’t rest now. Add your name to my petition to call for urgent action to protect voting rights and put a stop to GOP voter suppression initiatives >>

In state houses across the country, Republican lawmakers are using Trump’s Big Lie that the election was stolen as a pretext to attack voting rights.

But Joe Biden is president and Americans are emerging from the nightmare of the last four years, getting vaccinated, and receiving badly needed help to get their lives back together. You know it and I know it: this is what Americans voted for.

That’s why we cannot rest until there is federal action on the For the People Act to protect the right to vote.

Thank you for being part of this,
