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World Resources Institute


New Global Forest Review Data Shows Increased Forest Loss 

In a year when everything else slowed down, forest loss sped up. New data from WRI’s Global Forest Review show that primary forest loss was 12% higher in 2020 than the year before. 4.2 million hectares—an area the size of the Netherlands—of topical primary forest was lost in 2020, resulting in 2.64 Gt CO2 emissions, equal to the annual emissions of 570 million cars. Read More.

Climate-friendly menus are possible through easy changes that don’t compromise on flavor or cost. Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel
Rainforest in Papua, Indonesia. The country is one of the only nations reducing its deforestation rates. Photo by WidodoMargotomo/Wikimedia Commons

2021 Must Be a Turning Point for Forests. 2020 Data Shows Us Why 

Distinguished Senior Fellow Frances Seymour sees a call to action in the new forest data. “Although the overall trends are distressing, what’s happened in a few individual countries inspires confidence that the drivers of deforestation can be defeated,” she writes. “With global summits on climate change and biodiversity, 2021 is a year for solidarity among governments committed to averting the worst impacts of forest loss. It’s also time for solidarity with the communities risking their lives to save the world’s remaining forests.” Read More.

Wayne National Forest Solar Panel Construction. The United States added new rooftop solar at record levels in 2020. Photo by Wayne National Forest Solar Panel Construction

How Does  Biden’s Jobs Plan Stack Up on Climate? 

New WRI analysis shows that in President Biden’s $2 trillion plan to kickstart job creation, more than half would fund activities that advance climate action, clean energy and environmental justice. If passed, the plan would be the largest and greenest of any COVID-19 recovery plan, creating millions of good-paying jobs and making the U.S. a leader in climate policy and clean energy industries. 
Read more.

Andrew Steer

Podcast: Parting Thoughts from Andrew Steer – Count It, Change It, Scale It! 

As WRI President and CEO Andrew Steer prepares to leave for a new role leading the Bezos Earth Fund, he shares insights gained in nearly nine years leading WRI about what it takes to change the world. One highlight: “You can only scale if you understand the new governance of the world, which is multi-stakeholder.” Read the summary and listen to the interview here.



Using Forest-Water Connections to Accelerate Implementation of the NDCs
April 19, 2021
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT | 5:00 - 6:00 PM GMT

Land Accelerator Latin America Demo Days
April 20, 2021 to April 21, 2021
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM EST | 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM CET