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Dear NCRC members and allies,

We’re thrilled to announce Marcia Fudge, Secretary of the Department of Housing & Urban Development, will join our list of featured speakers at the 2021 Just Economy Conference! 

Register now to join us online May 3-4 for two jam-packed days of keynotes and networking and the chance to hear from elected officials, policy makers, community leaders and activists including: 
  • Nikole Hannah-Jones is an award-winning investigative civil rights reporter, and creator of the New York Times’s landmark 1619 Project
  • Jerome Powell is Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
  • Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) serves on the Senate’s Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs committee.
  • Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) chairs the Senate’s Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs committee.
The second wave of tickets for the 2021 Just Economy Conference are almost gone, after which prices will increase. Check out confirmed Just Economy session previews and take advantage of discounted tickets while they last. 
  • April 22: Advocacy Week Prep Meeting 
  • Pre Conference: Advocacy Week, April 26-30 (for NCRC members only)
  • Post Conference: Just Economy Sessions, May 5-14
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Report: For Black Business Owners, Economic Recovery Is Hobbled By Pre- Existing Conditions And Inequality [Read more]
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