Remember back in August when Mein Trumpf laughed as the man at his campaign rally shouted out that immigrants should be shot?*
Well, it came out last night that, according to his aides, Trumpf was privately suggesting exactly that: Shoot 'em in the legs to slow them down at the border.
A regime like this must NOT remain in power. #OutNow
Trumpf “wanted the wall electrified, with spikes on top that could pierce human flesh.”**
Part of the character of fascism is that it can absorb different acts of protests, different legal obstacles, and continue to barrel ahead with its program – until it is driven out. #OutNow
Trumpf also suggested digging trenches at the border and filling them with snakes and alligators. According to aides he suggested it so persistently, they actually started getting price estimates.
If all this sounds medieval, it is. Trumpf's talk and actions towards immigrants is down right genocidal. And it's even worse than that, this horrific xenophobia is the linch-pin and battering ram of a whole fascist remaking of society. If we allow this, we not only lose our own humanity – we almost guarantee far worse to come.
The time has come to DRAW THE LINE and say: The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go – NOW! #OutNow
Make a commitment today to join in a new kind of protest being initiated on October 19 in NYC and LA and then spreading across the country on Saturday October 26 and the next 3 Saturdays after that. is working urgently now to launch a wave of protests that continue, week after week after week, growing in size and momentum, inviting in first thousands and ultimately hundreds of thousands and then millions from diverse perspectives and walks of life, united in this single, unifying demand:
The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go – NOW!
We must not stop, until the regime has been driven from power.
You are needed in this fight.
> > Sign-up today to commit to be at these protests.
Let us know if you can volunteer as well to spread the word, help with planning and logistics, with art and fundraising, and in other ways.
> > Donate $8 today for printing the posters, stickers, banners, and more needed to reach millions.

We cannot stand aside as spectators.
Each of us has a role to play. Are you with us?
* Washinton Post 8-15-2019
**New York Times 10-1-2019
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