Anti-gunners are trying to rig the system to take away your rights. |
It’s not enough for them to pass gun control bills like H.R. 8 and H.R. 1446. |
Now, anti-gunners are trying to ensure there’s nothing you can do to stop them by inviting voter fraud into our elections AND adding up to 20 million new anti-gun voters by granting amnesty to illegal aliens. |
Pelosi’s House recently passed H.R. 1 -- a nightmare bill that would cancel voter ID laws in every state, legalize ballot harvesting, and weaponize the IRS and FEC against you. |
We need your help urging Kamala’s Senate Majority to VOTE NO on both H.R. 1 and amnesty. |
Gun Owners of America’s core mission is to fight for your God-given right to keep and bear arms. |
But we know that this battle must be fought on multiple fronts. |
Granting amnesty to 20 million new voters would give anti-gun politicians enough votes to permanently solidify their power in Washington and shut gun owners out of our Republic. |
One survey released by Pew Research Center shows that illegal aliens would support anti-gun Democrats by a margin of 8:1. |
Furthermore, H.R. 1, which would end virtually every single safeguard against voter fraud in our country, would disenfranchise gun-owning American citizens. |
Whether it’s amnesty, voter fraud, or even the censorship of your free speech, Gun Owners of America will always stand on the frontlines of ANY battle in which your God-given rights are at stake. |
Now we need you to stand by our side as we pressure every Senator to strike down both of these 2A-killing bills. |
Erich Pratt Senior Vice President Gun Owners of America |
Contributions to Gun Owners of America are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. |
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