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Tuesday, April 6th, 2021

Why Is the Biden Administration Pushing Ukraine To Attack Russia?

Ron Paul, MD

Meet Robert Barnes, Esq.

Ira Katz

The Next Phase of This Fake Pandemic Will Be Premeditated Mass Murder by ‘Vaccine’

Gary D. Barnett

Atlas Is Shrugging

Bionic Mosquito

Computer-Generated Presidents

The sky’s the limit—in the self-feeding loop. Jon Rappoport

The Suez Canal: Lessons About The Deep State’s Interventionist Talking Points

Charles Goyette

Peak Woke

James Howard Kunstler

The Chinese-Russian-Iranian Alliance Ushers in a New Hope for the Middle East

Matthew J.L. Ehret

Major League Baseball Risks Losing the Last of Its Politics-Weary Viewers After Moving Game Over Georgia’s Election Law

Michael McCaffrey

You Can’t Win. Don’t Even Try!

James Corbett

A Government of Thugs, by Thugs, for Thugs

Paul Gottfried

Can We Finally Stop Pretending That George Floyd’s Death Had Anything To Do with Racism?

William Sullivan

LRC Blog

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