the Fake News should be ashamed… John, The fake news is at it again… …And this time Dan Rather would be proud! In another blatant and outrageous lie, CBS’ disgraced “news” magazine, 60 Minutes, deceptively and maliciously edited a video of me to lie to the American people and further their left-wing agenda. They blatantly ignored evidence, refused interviews, and purposefully hid the truth. Watch my full answer, the truth, below and see how CBS manipulated the truth; CLICK HERE TO WATCH The media and the democrats are destroying this country. They’re threatened by my leadership because they know their lockdown narrative and school closure agenda has been proven false. But, I will not back down…I know millions of Americans are depending on me to stay strong and hold the line. Will you stand with me and fight back against the democrat run media? Rush in a contribution → >>Rush in $20<< >>Rush in $35<< >>Rush in $50<< >>Rush in another amount<< The Democrats and the Fake News should be ashamed… Not only did they deceive the American people by deceptively editing my video, they refused to interview two Democrats who know in the truth and who would have exposed their lies. The only way we can stop them from spreading lies and destroying this country, is by making our voices heard and joining together. Can I count on you to do so today by standing up for American values? Thank you for your support, Governor Ron DeSantis VISIT US AT WWW.RONDESANTIS.COM Republican Party of Florida | 420 E. Jefferson Street , Tallahassee, FL 32301 Unsubscribe
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