Hello there, 

Every one of Amy’s supporters owns a piece of this campaign -- and if you donate today, you can own a physical piece!

Make your first donation of $1 or more before the midnight deadline to get our official Amy For America Membership Card!

I want my card!

Amy’s momentum is growing fast:

  • Crowds have been lining up out the door at her events in Iowa

  • She did an incredible job at the first debate -- USA Today called her “the most aggressive critic of Trump” and the Boston Globe wrote, “If I had to pick one winner from last night, I’d say it was Amy Klobuchar.”

But now we have to keep the momentum going and this card will show that you’re in it to win the White House! Make a donation before midnight to get your own Amy For America Membership Card and show that we can defeat Donald Trump together!

-- Elise

Your supporter record is based on our digital contribution records associated with this email address. If you recently contributed via mail or in another way, thank you so much!

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