
In states across the country, Republican lawmakers are pushing extreme and unnecessary voting restrictions designed to suppress turnout in Democratic-leaning areas and make it harder for all people to vote.

Last week, Major League Baseball moved this summer’s All-star game out of Atlanta in response to Georgia’s recently-signed voter suppression laws. In a statement, they wrote, "Major League Baseball fundamentally supports voting rights for all Americans and opposes restrictions to the ballot box."

Will you add your name to our voting rights petition to stand with the MLB and condemn attacks on voting rights in Georgia and across the country?

Here are some of the worst provisions in Georgia’s push to restrict voting rights:

  • Allowing the Republican General Assembly to fire and appoint boards of elections whenever they want
  • Making it illegal to provide voters with food or water while they wait in line
  • Reintroducing restrictive voter ID laws to mail-in-ballot applications
  • Limiting access to absentee ballots and ballot drop box locations

Democrats across the country are working to stop these laws in statehouses around the country and are looking to introduce federal legislation like H.R. 1 to guarantee access to the ballot box for all Americans.

Right now, we need to hear from you. Will you add your name to our petition to support the strengthening of voting rights across the country?

Thank you,

Serve America