Hey John -- President Obama once said: “At its core, the fight for fair maps is a fight for voting rights.”
We know you can’t fix one without the other -- we must take action to end gerrymandering and stop voter suppression. That’s why we’re leading a nationwide grassroots effort to get Congress to pass the For the People Act.
Will you take a moment and send this message directly to your senators? They need to know that constituents in DC support this bill.
We know that a strong majority of voters support democracy reforms -- to the tune of 83%. And we know President Obama believes there is nothing stronger than the power of millions of voices calling for change.
That’s why I’m sending you a link to our all-new online advocacy tool. It lets you send a quick message directly to your senators and even tailors the language based on whether your senators support the bill, need some convincing, or don’t support these wildly popular reforms.
We must adopt bold and comprehensive democracy reforms if we want to see change and strengthen our democracy. But obstructionism and the status quo will win out unless this grassroots movement creates strong calls for change.
Thank you for being a part of this grassroots movement to help protect the right and access to voting -- and ensure the maps are fair.
-- Biz
All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.