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Dear NCRC members and allies,

Our current discounted tickets are almost sold out, after which prices will increase. Don't miss your chance to register now and save money!

Plus, you do not want to miss all the excellent programming we have in store, including several sessions we are announcing today in honor of HUD’s Fair Housing Month.

Discrimination in housing still happens and the historic impact of housing discrimination persists today despite these actions being illegal since the Fair Housing Act was passed in 1968. 

Here is a preview of a few 2021 Just Economy sessions that focus on Fair Housing:  

A New Administration Brings Big Changes To HUD 

Presenters will discuss HUD’s latest policy changes and priorities to support the housing community, and how attendees and their organizations can support the Biden Administration's aim to Build Back Better.

Fair Lending, Fair Housing Regulatory Changes: Where Are We Going Under a New Administration

Join us as we talk with HUD and some of the prudential regulators about their fair lending and fair housing focus under the Biden Administration.

Lending and the LGBTQ+ Community: Creating a Fair Marketplace for Queer Borrowers

This session explores the hurdles that LGBTQ+ people face when seeking loans, what lenders can do to help prevent discrimination, and what advocates can do to help LGBTQ+ people achieve financial equality. 

Check out other confirmed Just Economy session previews and register now for two jam-packed days of keynotes and networking online May 3-4, plus:
  • Pre Conference: Advocacy Week, April 26-30 (for NCRC members only)
  • Post Conference: Just Economy Sessions, May 5-14
Register Now
Register now to save! If you’re already registered, make sure to share with your friends and colleagues. 
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NCRC Launches Interactive Tool To Explore Local Lending Patterns [Read more]
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