
This year, we have a transformative opportunity to elect a fearless progressive leader -- and the very first Black woman governor in U.S. history.

But Jennifer Carroll Foy is taking on big-monied corporate interests and their hand-picked candidate, Terry McAuliffe.

Terry McAuliffe is a former political party boss and multimillionaire who is out of touch with the struggles that Virginians face.

Virginia cannot go back to the status quo, pro-corporate policies of past administrations like McAuliffe’s.

Corporate establishment Democrats on Wall Street and in the DC bubble are getting nervous because smart, progressive, and diverse candidates like Jennifer Carroll Foy are challenging their hand-picked politicians.

With just two months until the gubernatorial primary, the clock is ticking in the fight to Get Out The Vote for change and elect Jennifer Carroll Foy the next Governor of Virginia. Can you step up for Jennifer right now?

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The energy and momentum in Jennifer's campaign is real.

Jennifer is an incredibly inspiring candidate to those who know her and her campaign well. But in a crowded, messy primary with corporate-aligned Terry McAuliffe using his millions to dominate the airwaves, it’s hard for Jennifer to break through.

That’s why Jennifer is counting on you to fund the people-powered campaign that is knocking on doors throughout the state, making thousands of voter contacts directly face to face (in masks, of course) statewide.

I’ll tell you, Jennifer isn’t just any candidate.

She’s a devoted public servant, a fighter for the people, and is committed to ensuring that every Virginian is heard. She will defend our most basic rights, fight to fund our public schools, ensure everyone has quality healthcare, and create good jobs with living wages.

This isn’t just a chance to keep Virginia’s governor’s seat blue, it is an opportunity to elect a true representative of the people, and make history.

For those reasons and so many more, Jennifer Carroll Foy is a threat to Terry McAuliffe and pro-corporate forces in Virginia, D.C. and Wall Street -- and they will stop at nothing to defeat her.

Let’s make sure we do everything we can to help Jennifer win -- so we can look back at this election with no regrets. Chip in $10 or more to support Jennifer Carroll Foy and DFA’s campaign to GOTV statewide.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Jennifer has what it takes to win this critical race and bring about real, meaningful change for the people of Virginia. She's already building unprecedented support and momentum on the ground. But with only two months left before Election Day, and early vote beginning later this month on April 24th, she needs our support now more than ever to put her over the finish line.

Her victory will send a resounding message across the country that the way to win is not by pandering to Wall Street. Democrats win by taking bold, progressive stands on the issues that matter to working people.

Thanks for being a part of the fight for more progressive leadership in Virginia,

— Yvette

Yvette Simpson, CEO
Democracy for America