Greater DC Update
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Greater DC Special Update
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Meeting the DC area’s future housing needs
The number of low-cost housing units falls short of household needs by 264,000. What can governments, businesses, nonprofits, and philanthropic leaders do to solve this shortfall and ensure housing units align with housing needs?
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It’s not too late to fix the DC area’s housing problems
Our region has the knowledge and resources it would take to preserve existing affordable homes and apartments, produce enough new housing to keep pace with growth, and protect renters and homeowners from discrimination and displacement.
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WAMU: What does “affordable” even mean in the Washington region?
Inaction on housing affordability could undermine the Washington region’s future economic growth. What can the region do to change course?
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Washington Post: DC region’s leaders face big challenges as they tackle the affordable housing shortage
How would a regional proposal to build an extra 75,000 housing units between 2020 and 2030 affect low- and middle-cost housing in the region?
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