Apply today to be a trainer at Hollaback!, applications are rolling.

Dear friend,

We are seeking talented trainers and facilitators to join our dynamic team.

For more than 15 years, Hollaback! has worked to end harassment in all its forms by transforming the culture that perpetuates it. We aim to empower people and offer them tools to respond to, intervene in, and heal from harassment. 

Recently, we have significantly expanded our bystander training program and are inspired to see that our system of evaluation shows an 84% increase in self-reported ability to intervene in instances of harassment. 

Now, we find ourselves at a vital moment where we need to continue to step up and respond to hate against our communities. 

Hollaback! Trainers have the opportunity to deliver quality training experiences about different topics such as bystander intervention, gender-based harassment, resilience, conflict de-escalation, mitigating implicit bias, and other anti-hate trainings. 

To learn more about the Senior Trainer position, and the Trainer position, click here. 

Thank you for helping us to keep fighting to create a world without harassment, where we can all be who we are.

With Love,
