John, sign our petition and stand with Chuy to support President Biden’s infrastructure plan.

Chuy Garcia for Congress

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There’s no other way to put it — our infrastructure is crumbling and America is falling behind. Working class people and communities of color are getting hit the hardest.

But President Biden has unveiled the American Jobs Plan — a historic $2 trillion plan to rebuild America’s infrastructure: school reconstruction, universal broadband, modernized CTA and Metra systems, and getting rid of lead pipes.

It's time we reckon with the racist past of our infrastructure and transportation policies: Latino, Black, and working class neighborhoods displaced, carved up, and barred from opportunities and jobs by highways, roads, and train tracks. Biden’s plan will begin to undo decades of discrimination in infrastructure policies and actually invest in our communities. Finally, we can reconnect working families to essential services, jobs, education, and health care with affordable transportation options.

We’re counting on supporters like you, John, to stand up and fight to rebuild Chicagoland. Add your name to stand with Chuy and support President Biden’s American Jobs Plan >>

Stand with Chuy and President Biden! Add your name in support of Biden’s American Jobs Plan

This plan is a once-in-a-lifetime investment. It isn’t for the wealthy — it’s for everyone. Communities like ours, that have historically left out of critical investments. Biden’s plan will:

✅ Fund improvements for our roads, bridges, railways, and other infrastructure
✅ Pivot towards green energy to combat climate change
✅ Invest in American manufacturing and bring jobs to our communities
✅ Rehabilitate and invest in public housing
✅ Give every American access to affordable, accessible internet
✅ Funnel money into workforce development programs

This entire plan will be funded by increased taxes on the wealthy 1% and the Big Corporations that were given massive tax cuts under the Trump Administration.

We need to fast-track this bill through Congress to have a chance to build a better future for Chicagoland. But we need 500 supporters to add their name and stand with Chuy to support Biden’s American Jobs Plan. Add your name now >>

¡Sí se puede!

Team Chuy


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