In the Media, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most
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The bishop of London has addressed the annual religious judges' service in Westminster Abbey. Sarah Mullally spoke about subjects including the current
political climate and the government's justice policy.
In this letter Peter Tatchell says he defended Muslims and made concrete proposals to protect them against discrimination in an address to a Conservative
party conference fringe meeting, despite claims to the contrary.
Will Heaven describes what happened at an event on 'Challenging Islamophobia' at the Conservative party conference on Sunday, and how it has been
misrepresented since.
Sajid Javid has told BBC Radio 4 there will be an inquiry into defining Islamophobia – but added "I call it 'anti-Muslim hate crime', rather than
The comic book writer Mark Millar has claimed that high-profile politicians have informed him of a cross-party push to close Catholic schools in Scotland.
Pupils at schools linked to a religious order were "robbed of their childhoods" by the physical and sexual abuse which took place there, an inquiry has
A Jewish girls' primary school in Manchester has fallen short of Ofsted standards as it is refusing to teach its pupils about the existence of LGBT+ people.
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