
As of April 4, 2021, RootsAction has been at work for 10 years. The successes we've led the way on or been a part of include 116 we've put into a list, including enacting progressive legislation at the local, state, and national levels, helping elect progressive leaders, and successfully pressuring corporations, including media outlets, for positive change.
In the process, we've educated and mobilized huge numbers of people through the media, and through our email list, website, social media, videos, and books that we've produced.
On April 4, 2011, we sent out our first email, to a very small number of people. It shared resources for expanding one's understanding of who Dr. Martin Luther King was and what he worked for. It was on April 4, 1967, exactly one year before his assassination, that King said,
"A true revolution of values will soon look uneasily on the glaring contrast of poverty and wealth. . . . A true revolution of values will lay hand on the world order and say of war, 'This way of settling differences is not just.'"
Since that day, RootsAction has been virtually unique in advancing a full platform of progressive causes that does not omit peace, and in advancing the same principled demands regardless of the political party of the current U.S. president. That includes some demands made in both April 2011 and April 2021, and for 10 years in between, such as the demand to end the war on Afghanistan, the proposal of a tax on Wall Street, and insistence on accountability for destroyers of the natural environment.
RootsAction now has over a million of us involved, which has allowed us to have a bigger and bigger impact. We didn't have a lot of company in vigorously opposing the nomination of Neera Tanden for the Office of Management and Budget director, and only a little more in opposing that of Michèle Flournoy to head the Pentagon. We've organized a good-sized coalition now opposing the nomination of Rahm Emanuel for an ambassadorship. We joined with many others this spring in winning an end to the death penalty in Virginia and an end to the blacklisting by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee of consultants who work for challengers to incumbents.
In this, our first decade, RootsAction has created an Education Fund and a Do-It-Yourself petition site that have won numerous victories as well.
Our second decade is likely to be at least as challenging. But we are stronger and wiser. We've got a proven record, and the tools we need. But we cannot do it without you. Please do as many of these things as you can:
• Forward this email to friends with a note from yourself and ask them to join RootsAction's email list.
• Make a donation to RootsAction.org. Consider becoming a RootsAction Sustainer with a recurring donation!

• Share this post on Facebook or retweet this tweet on Twitter, and add your own comments about working with RootsAction over the years or in the years ahead!
Thank you!
--- The RootsAction.org Team