Why do you oppose the Republican recall attempt in California? We're collecting answers this weekend.

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Friends -

Why do you oppose the Republican recall attempt in California? We’re collecting answers this weekend. Tell us using this link:

Take 2 minutes to tell Governor Newsom why you oppose the Republican recall attempt.

Maybe it’s because you think Governor Newsom is doing a good job handling the COVID crisis. Cases are down, vaccination rates are way up, and there’s hope ahead. Last time we ran this survey, this was the most popular answer.

Maybe it’s because you can’t imagine turning over the reins of government to climate denying, COVID skeptics who would take our state backward on criminal justice reform and other critical issues.

Maybe it’s because the leaders of the recall are SO EXTREME that their lead proponent advocated microchipping immigrants. Yes, he said that. He added, “It works! Just ask animal control.” This was the second most popular answer last time.

Maybe it’s because a recall would be a massive waste of money at a time those resources could be devoted toward vaccinating more people, more quickly and getting back to normal again.

Maybe you have another reason. But whatever motivates your opposition, we want to hear it:

Can you take 2 minutes to tell us why you oppose the Republican recall attempt in California? We’ll be tracking results over the weekend.

Thanks for sounding off. This feedback really matters.

All our best,

Team Newsom


Committee major funding from: California Democratic Party, Professional Engineers in California Government PECG-PAC, Stewart Resnick

This email was sent to: [email protected]. Emails are a very important way for Team Newsom to keep in touch with others who oppose the right-wing Republican recall attempt. If you want to unsubscribe, that would be unfortunate, but please click here to unsubscribe. To make a donation to help Governor Newsom stop this recall attempt, please click here.