Team —

I don’t mean to alarm you, but the window Congress has to pass legislation to protect voting rights before the next election is shorter than you might think.

The truth is, we have been scrambling to pick up the pieces that a dysfunctional Trump Administration left in its wake. We started with the transformative American Rescue Plan, which is delivering much-needed and overdue relief to the American people, and we’re not slowing down now.

From police accountability to labor rights, gun violence, climate-resilient infrastructure, and raising the minimum wage, we have a lot of work left to do and not much time to do it — because Republican state legislators are ready to pounce with highly partisan, once-in-a-decade redistricting plans.

We cannot pass bold, progressive policies if partisan Republicans gerrymander, disenfranchise, and suppress the vote with new Jim Crow laws like they have in Georgia.

Hundreds of voter suppression bills have been introduced in virtually every state since January, all with the intent of suppressing voter turnout and entrenching Republican control at the state and local levels.

Will you add your name to my petition calling on the Senate to immediately bring the For the People Act to the floor for a vote?


This legislation is the most comprehensive expansion of voting rights since the Civil Rights Era.

The For the People Act would automatically register voters, require two weeks of early voting, make Election Day a federal holiday, restore the right to vote to returning citizens who have paid their debt to society, put congressional redistricting in the jurisdiction of a nonpartisan, independent commission, publicly finance election campaigns, ban dark money, and restrict voter roll purges.

It also puts us on a path to undo the damage of Citizens United and sets the stage for the passage of the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act later this year.

These are big, progressive priorities that would clean up our politics immensely. The For the People Act puts power back in your hands — which is what makes your voice so important right now.

We can’t get this passed without you. Will you join me in demanding that the Senate bring the For the People Act to the floor for a vote? Add your name to my petition today.


Thank you for raising your voice. Together we can beat back the assault on our democracy and create a government that serves you.

— Cory