A weekly wrap up of Brady news —


John, on the heels of deadly mass shootings across America, Sen. Lindsey Graham is campaigning against an assault weapon ban and is grotesquely glorifying everyday access to AR-15-style assault rifles. 

We know too well that assault weapons are the murder weapon of choice for high-profile mass shooters in America. But that isn’t stopping Sen. Graham from recklessly and illogically arguing for their use and ownership by everyday Americans. Worse yet, he’s spouting outright lies about the life-saving effectiveness of banning assault weapons. 

Here’s Brady President Kris Brown correcting his record:

We at Brady led the fight to pass the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban. So we know better than anyone that Sen. Graham’s claims are lies. In fact, the only reason Congress let the ban lapse after 10 years was because of NRA-bought-and-paid-for politicians like Sen. Graham.

Since the ban expired, we at Brady have fought like hell to reinstate it. And now, with gun safety majorities in the White House, Senate, and House, we have the best chance in years to ban weapons of war for good.

But to seize the moment and push back on NRA-backed politicians like Sen. Graham, it's going to take a massive outpouring of grassroots support — and that's why we have selected you, John, a top Brady supporter, to make your voice heard. 

Will you take our assault weapons ban survey right now? We urgently need your response to urge Congress and the White House to ban assault weapons and push back against NRA-backed politicians like Sen. Graham and more.


You're Invited — "Second Amendment and the Courts: Threats Before the U.S. Supreme Court"

For decades, the NRA and gun lobby have attempted to use the courts to push for a radical reinterpretation of the Second Amendment. They aim to gut common-sense gun safety laws, like regulations on guns in public spaces, assault weapons, and more.

We recently won against an NRA lawsuit that threatened to roll back more than 300 state gun safety laws across the country. But that ruling was made before the balance tipped on the Supreme Court. Now, we’re waiting imminently as the Supreme Court has signaled they will soon take up another Second Amendment case. So, what threats lay ahead?

We’re convening experts to explain the legal landscape in the fight to prevent gun violence on Wednesday, April 15, at 4 p.m. ET.


Who Is Jim Brady and Why Is He Important?

March 30 marked 40 years since our namesake, Jim Brady, was grievously shot and injured in the attempted assassination of President Reagan. Turning pain into progress, Jim refused to let this tragedy define his life, and with his loving wife, Sarah, they led the fight to pass the bipartisan Brady Bill, establishing the Brady Background Check System — our nation's first background check system for gun sales. 

Many Americans remember the exact moment when President Reagan was shot and Jim Brady was nearly killed on that gloomy day in Washington, D.C. We wrote a blog geared toward younger generations about Jim and Sarah’s life-saving legacy and how March 30, 1981, marked a turning point for gun reform in America. John, will share our blog with a young person you know?



RSVP for the Brady Action Awards! 

Hosted by MSNBC's Joy Reid, our 2021 Brady Action Awards on Thursday, April 29, will honor gun safety champions Stacey Abrams, Warriors Coach Steve Kerr, and Rep. Lucy McBath, and more. We’ll also hear from special guests, including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and American radio and television talk show host Andy Cohen. Register now to join us for this free, exclusive event!



While our gala is free, we're actively looking for supporters who want to sponsor our event. Your donation will help us honor those who have dedicated their lives to prevent gun violence and save lives.

Thank you, John, for staying up-to-date on Brady's work across Congress, courts, and communities. Our work is not possible without grassroots donors like you. Will you consider donating to continue our life-saving work today? Thank you for being a Brady supporter and joining us in the fight to prevent gun violence.


New Partnership Seeks to Curb Gun Violence, Brady President Kris Brown and Fred Guttenberg on MSNBC’s Morning Joe

Gun Violence Prevention Woven Into Biden’s Infrastructure Plan, Bloomberg

Biden Signals He Won't Be Thrown Off Course, The Hill 

Guns In Nevada: A Closer Look At New Legislation, KNPR

The U.S. Has Restricted Assault-Style Weapons Before. Did It Work? NPR's Weekend Edition

We are grateful for the Fund Peace coalition for helping secure historic funding for community-based violence prevention programs!

This week, President Biden unveiled his "American Jobs Plan," which includes a historic $5 billion in funding for community-based violence intervention programs and groups. The introduction of this vital funding was made possible, in part, by the Fund Peace coalition, a diverse group of more than 50 violence prevention organizations led by Black and Brown leaders.

These funds will empower community violence prevention programs to work within local, impacted communities to mediate conflict and stop violence before it happens. The programs will work to address the many root causes of violence, taking a holistic, public health approach to the public health crisis that is gun violence.

We also thank the many organizations, such as the Community Justice Action Fund (CJAF) and the #InvestInUs coalition, of which Brady and Team ENOUGH are a part, and Black and Brown activists who have spent years leading the call for this common-sense approach to violence prevention. We call on Congress to pass this life-saving funding immediately!


“I am a dad of two children. Unfortunately, because of gun violence, I visit Jaime at the cemetery. ... I am proud to join with Brady to ensure we achieve the most comprehensive reforms possible to tackle gun violence in all its forms this year... I look forward to ensuring that we work directly with the Biden Administration and key state leaders across this country to start saving lives. The time is now.”

— Gun violence survivor and advocate Fred Guttenberg

Watch the full interview with Brady President Kris Brown and gun violence prevention activist and survivor Fred Guttenberg on MSNBC's Morning Joe.


We rely on the generosity of donors like you to fund our work to prevent gun violence and create a safer America. 
Thank you for supporting the Brady Campaign. The Brady Campaign is a 501c(4) and donations to the Brady Campaign are not eligible for a tax deduction.


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